Kaltura Installation Packages Project

To enable the of use standard binary packages and package managers to deploy the Kaltura Video Platform Community Edition.

The code repository Join the discussion Visit Kaltura.com

Project Goal

To enable the of use standard binary packages and package managers to deploy the Kaltura platform.

Latest Project Status

Why do we need package installers?

deb and RPM are the de-facto standard for binary installations on Linux. Using this installation method will yield the following advantages to Kaltura admins:

Is this project only Linux focused?

Since Kaltura is built mostly in PHP and its major components are available for multiple OSes, it is theoretically possible to deploy Kaltura on any OS.
In the longer term we would love for this project to expand beyond deb and RPM packages to other distributions and operating systems.
However, since the majority of Kaltura users and, majority of servers on the web, are Linux based, this project is started off focusing only on deb and RPM packages.
We will try as much as possible to keep a common folder and coding practices that will allow for easier porting later.
If you are using Kaltura on another distribution or operating system, and have experience in building installation packages - your help and contribution to the project will be greatly appreciated!
Email the community team if you'd like to join and contribute other package types.

Which Linux distributions will be supported?

Following results from a recent Kaltura Community usage survey, we've set this project to target the most popular Linux distros among Kaltura users, which includes:

We would love to have every known Linux distribution supported! However the reality is that there’s a lot of work in maintaining each package. We hope that the larger community could help port and extend the packages into more distros as the project progresses.


Project Phases

Phase A - Specifications & Definitions

Creating the package specifications, we intend to break it down to different packages to achieve a modular setup allowing the ability to install only specific needed platform components, and to build a structure that will enable a cluster environment, distributed servers platform deployment and easier component updates/patching.

The Kaltura Packages Are

Phase B - Building The Packages

At this phase the packages will be built according to each distro guidelines and requirements.
Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora.

You can track the development, contribute and help review the packages on the GitHub repository.

Phase C.1 - Writing A Post-Install Configuration Guides

While the packages will enable a complete installation of the system, post-installation configuration is always required, especially in clustered/multi-server environments. At this phase we will perform initial testing, and focus on preparing all necessary instructions into a post-install system configuration guide for the sys-admin wanting to deploy Kaltura.

For RPM, we have the following guides ready:

Phase C.2 - Alpha Repositories & Testing

Announcing public repository URL and calling for testers
At this phase admins who are not necessarily developers, and beta testers are welcome to run the package installation using package managers of their liking, submit bugs and feature requests, and help make the packages stable and ready for public release.

Also in this phase - creation of Chef deployment automation scripts and preparing the definitions for the CI (Continuous Integration) system.

Phase D - Public Beta, and Continuous Integration System

Track the development and learn more, visit the Continuous Integration System Project.

The creation and deployment of a CI (Continuous Integration) system for building, testing and distributing the platform packages.
This is a crucial phase in the maturity of the project, which will allow us to determine health status of the packages before releasing to user QA and public distribution.

During this phase beta testing of various cluster deployments will be continued, and tools to deploy and verify deployment health will be created.

Phase E - RC and GA Releases

Updating Kaltura.org website, deletion of the old installer repositories, public announcements and overall clean-up.

Calling the wider Kaltura admins in the community to install and migrate to the new packages.

Phase F - Post-Install Script for Developer Environment

Create a post install script that will pull updated source-code from the official github repositories and configure an all-in-one developer environment for core developers wanting to write server plugins or modify and test core files.

Phase G - Distribution to Official Distro Repositories

Submit official requests to each official distro repositories (Ubuntu, Fedora and Debian).

How can you help and contribute?

This project has an open call-for-participation even before a single line of code was written. Why not wait till there’s at least an early alpha? Because the installation of Kaltura has been a major hurdle for everyone in the community, and we want to make sure you are involved from the very beginning - the deeper you get with the code, the better and more stable this project will be!
On a weekly basis the community team will update this page with project progress, so you can stay up to date, but you can also watch the github repositories and get updates when new code is pushed.

There will be a weekly IRC (#kaltura on freenode.net) meeting every Monday at 10am NY time, where we openly discuss project status and details.
Join us at #kaltura on freenode and share your feedback, insights and ideas for the project!

If you've already dipped your toes in the code, have experience building Linux packages and want to join the team - Email the community team .

To submit bugs, patches or feature requests, please use the issue tracker,
and make sure to tag your issue with the proper label to the package type you're testing/extending:

Project Questions & Answers

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