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Local Player Setup

Sometime to develop a new feature for Kaltura-Player OR to check the code changes in local environment; developers would be required to setup local Kaltura-Player and plugins.


  1. Go to Gitub Repository Kaltura-Player
  2. Choose the TAG (it’s player/plugin version) which you want to download.


  3. Download the zip file.


  4. Open project’s settings.gradle.
  5. Add the following,

    include ':kalturaPlayer'
    project(': kalturaPlayer').projectDir = new File('path to local Kaltura Player folder in the file system')
  6. Open module level build.gradle. This is the file where actually you keep the remote dependencies.

Comment the remote dependency,

// implementation 'com.kaltura.player:tvplayer:playerVersion'

Add the following,

implementation project(": kalturaPlayer")
  1. Go to build.gradle of Kaltura-Player or Plugin and comment the remote dependency of Playkit or Kaltura-Player and put the local implementation of it. Example of IMA Plugin here you can comment Playkit and uncomment the local implementation for playkit.

  2. You can follow the same steps for other plugins.

NOTE: Need to make sure that for Kaltura-Player / Playkit and it’s plugins, all the build.gradle should be pointing to local repos. In case, if there is any remote repository for Plugin or Player. Gradle will give priority to remote dependency.

Note for Kaltura-Player Users

To replace the Kaltura-Player remote dependency with local one, you need to add the Playkit, Providers, Kava and DTG in local repositories.

Now please go to build.gradle of tvPlayer (aka Kaltura-Player) and comment the dev-snapshots or player_version remote dependencies from here. Example

NOTE: For DTG and GoogleCast, there is no build.gradle local change is required because it has no dependency on Player or Plugins.

Github links



Kava (Only for Playkit Users)

Providers (Only for Playkit Users)




DTG (Only for Playkit Users)

Local Setup Examples

Local settings.gradle

Module build.gradle