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Download-to-Go for Android

Download to Go (DTG) is an Android library that facilitates the download of video assets, with an emphasis on DASH and HLS.

On this page:

Supported Video Formats

Project Setup

dependencies {
	compile 'com.kaltura.dtg:dtglib:2.4.0'

Replace 2.4.0 with the latest release.

Download States


The following classes/interfaces are the public API of the library:

        - ContentManager
        - DownloadItem
        - DownloadState
        - DownloadStateListener

Please see their Javadoc comments.

Following are some basic sequence diagrams.

Start and Stop the Service

New Download Sequence

Track Selection

Tracks are selected, by type, using a TrackSelector object. A TrackSelector is obtained by calling getTrackSelector() on a DownloadItem. Given a TrackSelector, the application performs selection:

List<DownloadItem.Track> tracks = trackSelector.getAvailableTracks(AUDIO);
// Application logic for track filtering.
trackSelector.setSelectedTracks(AUDIO, filteredTracks)
// Repeat for other track types (VIDEO, TEXT)

trackSelector.apply(new DownloadItem.OnTrackSelectionListener() {
                                    public void onTrackSelectionComplete(Exception e) {


Sequence Diagram

Interactive Selection Before Download is Started

In this scenario, the metadata for an item was downloaded, the default tracks were selected, but the download wasn’t yet started. The application calls item.getTrackSelector(), makes a selection and applies it. The selected tracks are downloaded as part of the normal download.

Interactive Selection After Download is Finished

The entire item has downloaded. The user now decides to download additional tracks - such as another audio language. The application calls item.getTrackSelector(), makes a selection and applies it. Then, item.startDownload() is called again, to start downloading the extra tracks.

Preference-based Selection

The application may have a policy on track selection, for example:

The ContentManager calls the application’s listener method onTracksAvailable() with an open TrackSelector. The application selects tracks to download and when onTracksAvailable() returns, the selection is applied.

If no selection was made, some defaults are applied instead. However, it’s recommended that the application adopts its own defaults.

If the application can select tracks without user interaction, it is best to do so inside the onTracksAvailable() handler. It avoids writing data to the database that will be discarded immediately after.

Track Selection Samples

Select the video track with the lowest bitrate:

    List<DownloadItem.Track> videoTracks = trackSelector.getAvailableTracks(DownloadItem.TrackType.VIDEO);
    DownloadItem.Track minVideo = Collections.min(videoTracks, DownloadItem.Track.bitrateComparator);
    trackSelector.setSelectedTracks(DownloadItem.TrackType.VIDEO, Collections.singletonList(minVideo));

Select all available tracks:

    void selectAllAvailableTracksByType(DownloadItem.TrackSelector trackSelector, DownloadItem.TrackType trackType) {
        List<DownloadItem.Track> availableTracks = trackSelector.getAvailableTracks(trackType);
        trackSelector.setSelectedTracks(trackType, availableTracks);

Then, from onAvailableTracks():

    selectAllAvailableTracksByType(trackSelector, DownloadItem.TrackType.AUDIO);
    selectAllAvailableTracksByType(trackSelector, DownloadItem.TrackType.TEXT);

Default Selection

Alternate audio size with HLS

The HLS spec does not include bitrate (BANDWIDTH) estimation for alternate audio tracks. As a result, DTG can’t reliably add the size of audio tracks to the estimated download size. To mitigate, ContentManager.Settings includes a defaultHlsAudioBitrate field. If you know the bitrate of your audio tracks, you should specify it there before initializing ContentManager.

contentManager = ContentManager.getInstance(this);
contentManager.getSettings().defaultHlsAudioBitrate = 128000;

The default is 64000 bps.

Frequently asked Questions

See the FAQ.