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Docs | iOS

Time Observation

The player provides an API to add periodic and boundary observers with a max deviation of 100ms.

On this page:

Periodic Observation

Periodic observation can be made in 100ms intervals.

Correct values: 1.0s, 1.1s, 2.5s etc.

Intervals which are not divisible by 100ms are floored to the first decimal place: </br> 1.155 => 1.1 </br> 2.464 => 2.4

Negative values are will not work and should not be used.


In order to add periodic observation you need to provide the interval, dispatch queue to observe on (optional, providing nil will use main queue) and block handler to handle each periodic event. When adding a new observation you will receive a uuid used as a token that with it you can remove the observation later.

Swift API:

// add periodic observation
let token = player.addPeriodicObserver(interval: 1, observeOn: nil) { (time) in
    // handle time observation
// remove single periodic observation using token


// add periodic observation
NSUUID *token = [player addPeriodicObserverWithInterval:1.0f observeOn:nil using:^(NSTimeInterval time) {
        // handle time here
// remove single periodic observation using token
[player removePeriodicObserver:token];

Boundary Observation

Boundary observation can be added by percentage or by time. For example if we want to observe midpoint we will add observation for 50% and if we want to observe user reach 60 seconds we will use time boundary for 60s.


In order to add boundary observers you need to provide the boundary in percentage or time, dispatch queue to observe on (optional, providing nil will use main queue) and block handler to handle the boundaries event.

Swift API:

// boundary factory used to create boundaries
let boundaryFactory = PKBoundaryFactory(duration: player.duration)
// 2 boundaries, one for 60 seconds and one for 50% 
let boundaries: [PKBoundary] = [boundaryFactory.timeBoundary(boundaryTime: 60), boundaryFactory.percentageTimeBoundary(boundary: 50)]
// add the boundary observer
let token = player.addBoundaryObserver(boundaries: boundaries, observeOn: nil) { (time, percentage) in
    // handle boundary event
// remove single boundary observation using token


// boundary factory used to create boundaries
PKBoundaryFactory *boundaryFactory = [[PKBoundaryFactory alloc] initWithDuration:player.duration];
// 2 boundaries, one for 60 seconds and one for 50% 
NSArray *boundaries = @[[boundaryFactory timeBoundaryWithBoundaryTime:60.0f], [boundaryFactory percentageTimeBoundaryWithBoundary:50]];
// add the boundary observer
NSUUID *token = [player addBoundaryObserverWithBoundaries:boundaries observeOn:nil using:^(NSTimeInterval time, double percentage) {
    // handle boundary observation
// remove single boundary observation using token
[player removeBoundaryObserver:token];
