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Docs | iOS

Migration to PlayKit v3.7.0

In PlayKit version 3.7.0, some components were moved from the core Pod (PlayKit) to a new one. This guide describes the changes that need to be done in app config and code.

In addition, there’s a minor change to the PKPlugin.Factory interface.

On this page:

Subspecs migrated to Pods

For each of the following, you have to replace a subspec decledation with a full pod declaration. In addition, since the component is no longer in the PlayKit module, another import has to be added in code.

Kaltura Core Services

The following subspecs have moved to a new pod, PlayKitProviders:

In addition - OVPMediaProvider, PhoenixMediaProvider and related classes have moved to the new providers pod as well.

Youbora Plugin

Google Cast

Plugin Interface

The PKPlugin protocol has a new static property, pluginVersion. The default (implemented in BasePlugin) is the plugin’s bundle CFBundleShortVersionString:

Bundle(for: pluginClass).object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundleShortVersionString")

Override this function to provide a version from a different source.

Example for overriding:

   @objc override public class var pluginVersion: String {
       return "1.2.3"

If CFBundleShortVersionString wasn’t found (or is not a string), and no alternative implementation is provided, the string "?.?.?" is used.

The version should comply with Semantic Versioning.